CANSI Ontario

The following is a list of currently recorded CANSI Ontario Annual General Meetings:

2024-2025 - to be held online on  Thursday June 5, 2025 

2023-2024 - held online on  Thursday June 6, 2024 

2022-2023 - held online on  Thursday June 1, 2023 

2021-2022 - held online on  Wednesday June 8, 2022 

2020-2021 - held online on  Wednesday July 7, 2021 

2019-2020 - held online on Thursday June 4, 2020 

2018-2019 - held on Saturday June 1, 2019 at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie (**)

2017-2018 - held on Saturday June 2, 2018 at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie

2016-2017 - held on Saturday June 3, 2017 at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie

2015-2016 - held on Saturday June 4, 2016 at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie

2014-2015 - held on Sunday May 24, 2015 at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie

2013-2014 - held on Sunday May 25, 2014 at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie

2012-2013 - held on Saturday May 25, 2013 in Barrie

2011-2012 - held on Sunday May 27, 2012 in Toronto

2010-2011 - held on Sunday May 29, 2011 in Toronto

2009-2010 - held on Sunday May 30, 2010 in Toronto

2008-2009 - held on Sunday June 14, 2009 in Toronto

2007-2008 - held on Saturday June 7, 2008 in Toronto

2006-2007 - held on Saturday June 2, 2007 in Toronto

2005-2006 - held on Saturday May 13, 2006 in Toronto

2004-2005 - held on Saturday May 14, 2005 in King City

2003-2004 - held on Saturday May 1, 2004 in King City

2002-2003 - held on Saturday November 15, 2003 in Duntroon (*)

2001-2002 - held on Saturday December 14, 2002 in Oro Station

(*) The CANSI Ontario incorporation documents were accepted by the Ontario government on April 14, 2003.
(**) The CANSI Ontario by-laws comply with the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, (2010) and were approved by the board and CANSI Ontario members in 2019.